Saturday, July 5, 2008

who knew

let me start off by saying that my husband loves to travel and try new things. he is always on the go and never worries about anything (considering i worry about everything). i never would have guessed he didn't like fireworks- well, he doesn't like fireworks in the neighborhood or by people that are standing around him. he likes them in an organized manner like downtown or on the river. 
i think when he was younger the guys must have run around and shot them at each other and he just has left over fear from that? i don't know but i am always shocked each 4th of july when i want to go out to buy some fireworks and set some off with our neighbors or watch them from down the street. not my man- he is inside with the dogs and the kid watching them on t.v. 
i never would have thought that my courageous husband would have a fear of fireworks. crazy i know.

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