Tuesday, July 28, 2009

play days:)

how can you see this face and not smile? davis' second favorite place is the swing at the playground down the street! (the first is in momma's arms of course). it's so nice to have a swing set in our backyard as well as a few steps down the street. what a great neighborhood!

every morning davis and i go in to get presley out of her bed. i think she thinks he is sleeping across the hall from her and gets up right before she does. little does she know that he sleeps in another room across the house and has probably been up at least 2 hours before she gets up. he loves to hold onto her crib and gives her kisses:) makes my heart melt!!
for some reason daddy time usually involves a chocolate popsicle!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

lots going on in franklin this summer!

brian got a new office in downtown nashville! while i hate that it is such a long drive for him each day i love that he now tries to work from home more on fridays:) yea!  so, last week we headed downtown to decorate his office with our new interior designer friend brittany garland (love ya britt) and then got to eat after ward at cantina laredo- my new fav mexican spot! here is presley climbing on the ledge next to the window- his office is on the 7th floor of the wachovia building and even though i wasn't able to enjoy the view (i almost threw up b/c it was so high- yes, i am completely afraid of heights, i blame my mother) presley loved it!!
here is davis attempting his new independence by crawling on the chair. don't worry mom- brian is taking the picture while i am standing at the edge of the chair in case he falls.
little did anyone know that presley was a member of the desperate toddlers of westhaven.
our new wagon!!! thanks mimi! we love it so much, we try to at least sit in it once a day if not go for a ride in it. davis is smiling here b/c he just realized he could reach presley and her sippy cup and presley looks pissed off b/c she just realized davis can reach her and her sippy cup.
the new ferrari- a red and white tricycle. you're nothin unless you have one of these:) if it wasn't for my mom and presley's grandparents the kid wouldn't have anything but two sticks to rub together. i am so blessed to have such a great family and get to share with them each and every day. i can't wait for her to really be able to ride her bike and i get to run after her:)