Friday, March 28, 2008

were here! were here!

our arrival to memphis is now complete. the trip here was one of the worst ever- i think i had presley's sickness yesterday which left me holding onto the toilet for most of the morning. then, i actually threw up on the plane. twice. yuck. thank goodness brian was with me and he took over presley, the luggage, getting us on and off the plane and getting us to grandma's house. 
luckily today i am feeling much better. yea! but- brian is now sick. he takes illness alot better than i do so hopefully he won't be laying by the toilet all afternoon. well i am off to catch up on m favorite foods- back yard burger, bbq, osaka..... can't wait!!

Monday, March 24, 2008


today was another great first for presley's life. it was the first time she puked all over herself, the car seat, the side of the seat next to her, my jacket and her stuffed animals she was carrying. yep, gotta love those firsts. did i mention we were in the middle of no where driving down the road where we were out numbered many times over by cattle. 
the side of the road is where things get interesting. pulled over with our hazards on- i am now puking at the side of the car since i saw presley vomit- and brian is removing her from her now soaked car seat to the back of the car. why is it that every time i get pregnant someone around me pukes and therefore i  must too (MOM). luckily we were not far from our destination (steph's house) where we stripped pdog down and dressed her in jaden's clothes. as cute as she was, the stinch of old mac and cheese along with banana is a smell i will soon not forget as it was embedded in her skin. 
now the car seat cover, her jacket, her blanket, the stuffed animals and the rest of her clothes are in the washing machine. if the smell doesn't come out i am buying a new car seat tomorrow. yuck. 

Sunday, March 23, 2008

here ya go bekah

my sister was curious as to why i haven't been blogging lately. It's only been a few days but whatevsies. we have been super busy at casa de covey. we went to the zoo last week (new pics to follow from kodak share) we had our easter pictures taken at the most expensive child photography studio ever. at least we got to pet a real live bunny- presley was loving that. our church had 18 (not really) easter services this weekend- which brian played in the band for all of them. presley's easter dress was a big hit however, the cutest shoes to go along with the cutest dress were off in 4.5 seconds after entering the building. 
so, brian and i were trying to think of new names for the baby. yes, we still have the rest of the year to decide but since we didn't even name pdog until after she was born i thought it was time to get a head start. what does everyone think about savannah leigh??? brian likes shelby but i don't like shelby leigh. yes- we are planning on using leigh for her middle name. why am i only talking girl names you ask? because i think that is all brian can make- we love girls!!! i already have all the clothes for a girl: clothes, shoes, barrettes, you name it girl- we have it. 
wednesday is a big day for us- we go to the dr for the first time to come up with an official due date. we also get to hear the heartbeat and make sure there is just one heartbeat (very important). i have already been putting the bug in brian's ear for a nanny. lol. that's exactly what he did- he laughed out loud. oh well, a girl can dream. 

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

presley's at her easter egg hunt

presley's first easter egg hunt

presley on her way to her first easter egg hunt dressed in her blue dress that grandma traci bought for her. here she is walking into the "hidden" egg area and here is her face the first time she saw the easter bunny. i think it stuck like that for 5 minutes. it was hysterical! her boo boo on her face is all gone now. thanks dr eric for checking her out after her first major injury. i think she slept for 3 hours after this. it was the best time ever. i can't wait to take her tomorrow to see the real bunnies. she is going to love it!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

(the world's greatest rocking chair) as the thorn in my side

everyday my daughter gets out of her crib and before i can even change a diaper she is up standing on her rocking chair. at night, after her bath she runs in (completely naked) and jumps into her rocking chair. she loves it! it wouldn't be so bad if she sat in it or wanted to read a book in it. no- she stands in it backwards and rocks. rocks back and forth so much that i am sure she is about to tip over at any moment. if for some random reason the world's greatest rocking chair ride is too close to the window- she can get it to lean so far back that she grabs the drapes and almost pulls them off the wall too. i love watching her face as she rides back and forth in this wonderful contraption but how much longer until she can just sit in it and enjoy a good elmo book?

Thursday, March 13, 2008

damn joggers

let's get this straight. i love living in sunny florida. while my friends and family are up north braving the ice and snow- well not so much snow- i am hanging out in my flip flops and tank tops. i love living in warm weather all year round! part of living in warm weather means that there is always more to do outside- playing with the kids in the neighborhood every afternoon, walking, riding your bikes, jogging- almost every birthday party you go to is inevitably at a park. 
as much as i love to be outside i am not so much the avid runner or athletic person my husband strives for me to be. 
so, as i am driving home from gymboree today and i have my wendy's single combo sitting in my passenger seat with the seat heater on so my burger won't get cold- i see multiple walkers and joggers going by. why is is that all i want to do is throw my fries at them?

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

what a week

this is a very busy week. not only am i finding out about the new bun in the oven but my daughter started walking everywhere as well. at least i am not feeling any nausea or sickness so that is good. although, my rhinitis of pregnancy is back- not as bad this time though. my baby girl also has a cold- i never knew that they could wake up with actual dried up snot caked to their faces. it's the saddest thing i have ever seen. 
well, i am off to catch the little one. tomorrow is gymboree so she can show off her new skillz there. unless she still has snot coming out then we will be home again. going a little stir crazy but that's ok. we will be back in m-town in 2 weeks. can't wait to take presley to the park when she is feeling better- thank goodness for florida weather!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Thursday, March 6, 2008

the past 9 hours

i never, ever, ever realized just how much mom's do. best job on earth?
 7:15am woke up; took a shower, got dressed, made the bed(while brushing my teeth). 
7:50 made breakfast for my husband and my daughter while returning phone calls to the other mom's that are up that early.  
8:15am replied to emails while family finished breakfast, fed the dogs and spent quality time talking to my man about the day and the upcoming weekend, packed presley's bag up, filled her cereal and goldfish holder and was out the door by 8:40. 
9am- arrived at brian's work to see his new office, rearranged his bookshelf and de cluttered his desk. 
9:30 gymboree. 
10:30 on our way home for our 11am nap. yea!
while the princess is napping i did two loads of laundry, picked out what we are going to have for dinner, refilled the dog's water bowl, emptied and loaded up the dishwasher (but forgot to turn it on- damn it) picked up toys, paid bills and checked emails, returned calls again and cleaned up the ants that are now around the dog bowl. 
pres wakes up at 12:30- read books and had playtime upstairs, fixed some lunch, walked the dogs and presley in her car around the block (then it began to rain)
 2:45pm read more books in presley's room and then went downstairs where baby einstein is on while we are driving our car around the house in circles. 
shoot me now.
3:30 snack- animal crackers and carrots. 4pm nap time!!!!!! thank you Lord for naptimes.
definitely, the best job on earth.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

not so much taco tuesday

hola. now we are feeling much better around here. although last nite i was convinced my uvula was so big that if i layed down on my back it was going to block my trachea and suffocate me. so i slept on my stomach all night and prayed i wouldn't die in my sleep. seemed to work.
brian did stay home from work today to help me with presley so i went back to bed and slept until 1. my neighbor doctor came over to check on me and told me to wait it out- didn't need any antibiotics. amazing it would have cost 75$ and a 4 hour wait for him to tell me that in his office. 
now, onto more amazing things: presley introducing the amazing presley. about to walk any day or moment now. she loves to walk everywhere just holding onto one hand.
i am getting hunchback from following her everywhere. between that and my sore wrist from all this cake decorating- i am falling apart. so this is what it feels like to be 30. 
i am over it.
tonight is two for one combo's at chic fil a. yea! kerin and her family are meeting us there while brian goes to his men's group. hopefully he will be home by 9 so we can all watch the me movie that grandma got for presley. she loooovvvveeeessss it!!! i don't think she even plays with her toys while the movie is on. she just stares at it- it's worse than baby crack. 
tonight is suppose to be taco tuesday but noone here has their appetite back which is why pres is getting chic fil a and brian got a south beach pizza to eat. i guess that means my appetite isn't back so no one gets a good dinner. oh well. there's always tomorrow. 
we go home to memfrica in three weeks- i better start packing now.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

long weekend

oh my. it has been a long weekend already and it is only saturday. brian has been home from work sick since thursday and now i have it. i think presley is about to get it again b/c her nose is running today. i am so tired and achy and still need to do a thousand things around here. i don't think i did even one load of laundry last week. ugg. 
does anyone need a spiderman cake?

get-attachment.aspx.jpgi am not sure if the picture came through or not- but it needs a good home. oh well, off to run errands for the day and get ready for church tonight- brian is playing in the band and i get to hold babies in the nursery!