Thursday, May 27, 2010

dancing diva:)

I have no idea why i keep posting pictures and they are always in opposite order but here ya go:

presley had her first dance recital on friday!!! she did a great job. you never know what's going to happen with a 3 year old but i was pleasantly surprised:) my little dancing diva is such a cutie. i am so proud of her!!!

her reward for doing such a great job...... a dora popsicle!
here she is with her dance class. she is the youngest one in her class. it took FOREVER to get her hair to stick in a bun and i think she still has sparkles in her hair from that night. a little disorganized but like i said, she's 3.
that smile is what melts my heart every day. it's what gets her out of trouble. it's what makes every thing worth it.
second from the back is my red head. all lined up and ready to get out to strut their moves!
this was taken on her last day of dance class. bitter sweet but she had a fun day. they had snacks and played games. can't wait for dance to start up in the fall!!!!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

cutest kids ever!!

i love when i finally get pictures downloaded and i am able to share them on here. i love when i have forgotten which photos i have taken i when i go to look for some to put on here i find ones like these. i have the cutest kids that are a little crazy some times but totally make up for it when the adorable faces:)
here is presley stealing my sunglasses and giving one of her million dollar smirks!

a few snacks before dance class and a chance to get this amazing tutu on camera! i love when she twirls and shows off her dance moves. please don't take notice of of her little brother trying to escape out the cat door:)
look at that smile!!! a few weeks ago it was warm enough to go outside and put on the swimsuits. how did i not realize how pale my son was/is?? poor kid is so cute and he totally doesn't care he is white as a ghost. at least he is enjoying his play house and ringing the door bell 50 times:)
i don't know what to say about this outfit except that some one gave it to presley for her birthday and well, it was sprinkling outside and that called for the rain boots. it's difficult to get them off her once they are on but at least they match the princess dress.
how cute can he get!!??!! rolling with his sisters shades and his duck helmet, ready to go for a ride with his dad on the bike. of course he is wearing his i heart mom shirt! best piece of clothing ever!!!