Monday, June 30, 2008

in case you were wondering

if you open the door to your child's room and you smell the very distinct poop smell- stop where you are. there is a chance that somehow poop has made it to the floor by the door and you could step in it. yes, even if the bed/crib is all the way on the other side of the room! look where you are walking and before you touch the bed/crib look for poop that could have made it's way on there.
this is what happened to brian today. lol!!! 
he went to get presley after her nap and she was crying- immediately he starts yelling for me. presley had somehow figured a way to take off her diaper (which she has never done before), poop and put it everywhere! yes, literally everywhere. on the crib, stuffed animals in her bed, books next to her bed, on the rails of the crib, on the rug and did i mention all over herself. THANK GOD brian found her and it wasn't me. she smelled like poop on her skin and even her hair, which i never found any in there. that is the type of situation where you pick your kid up and go directly straight to the bathtub. good times.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

sad news

unfortunately, two of our three furry babies were diagnosed with mast cell cancer yesterday. the vet said they should be fine after they have surgery to remove it as long as it is in stage 1. surgery should be next month and all 3 will be in cones so that no one licks anyone's incisions. should be an interesting recovery-  pictures of the pooches will be up soon. 
good thing is that they are not acting sick right now and getting lots of love from us. brian even has them on the couch (which never happens) and allie took a nap in the bed with him today. will keep you up with the progress and results of the pathology reports. 

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

my sis is too cool for me.

I was recently in memphis for a few days not too long ago and  i got to spend a lot of time with my sister. she has probably got one of the biggest hearts of anyone i know - and she gets just about everything she wants with that big heart of hers (since  2 she has anyway). i am just glad she uses her powers for good and not evil. So, i stayed at my parents house and my sister and i bunked up for 2 nights. it was great- i thought we were going to stay up all night talking and laughing- my sis who is in college and goes out at least 4 nights a week partying was surely going to keep me up all night chattering away- just happen to fall asleep before 9:30 each of these nights. i was a little let down but at least we got to spend time together during the day. I love spending time with her but sort of got teased about something silly-  which i sort of took personal- brushing my teeth. i know, i know,  it sounds stupid but she came in with her motor toothbrush and her fancy glitter toothpaste- she is so cool. i felt like the old lady with her listerine tarter control and regular pink toothbrush that had no fancy embellishments or gadgets on it. did i mention she also told me she didn't like the way i brushed my teeth. don't we all do that the same? isn't that like all ladies pee sitting down and all boys stand up- i thought everyone did those things the same. anyway, when i got home i went out and got a motor toothbrush of my very own and whitening/glitter toothpaste- even though i am 9 years older i still don't want to be out done by my little sis. needless to say, the first time i used my toothbrush i threw up (i don't know why but my gag reflex couldn't handle it) and i recently found myself (yes, at 30) putting glitter toothpaste on a zit (yes, at 30 i still have zits).  does everyone know you can put toothpaste on a zit? i can't tell you how embarrassing it is to forget you have it toothpaste with glitter in it on your chin and a neighbor comes to your door to borrow something. Of course the neighbor asks "oh, are you and presley having some craft time? you have glitter all over your chin." So, tomorrow i will be at walgreen's buying myself a regular toothbrush and plain old whitening toothpaste. i am just going to have to find other ways to be as hip as her. 

Friday, June 20, 2008

dear bad drivers,

if you are wondering why traffic is so bad and why so many people have road rage- it is because of you. if you must look and slow down at every person pulled over on the side of the road, police officer sitting in the median or (the worst) someone who has just experienced a wreck then you should expect that everyone around you hates you. if you didn't know this let me help you out: if a cop has already pulled someone over on the side of the road and you are on the opposite side- they already have their hands full- they are not going to leave them and come to get you. you don't have to drive 5 miles under the speed limit to make sure you are not being followed. besides, i am probably behind you and they would most likely get me first. please stop rubber necking, slamming on your brakes and (the worst of the worst) giving me the finger when i go around you. and just so you know- you are going to get a dirty look from someone if you have kids in your car and you are smoking. it's 2008- but the cigarette out already. don't you read?

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

utensils are now a must.

we are now eating with a spoon right out of the jar. pres is learning how to use a fork and or sometimes at the same time a spoon or spoons. here she is eating her strawberry yogurt all by herself. such a big girl. her cheeks were stained red after this and the dogs kept trying to lick her fingers and arms because it was so hard to try and remove it all from her tiny fingers. i never knew yogurt got so sticky after it dries. poor kid- she looks so cross eyed in this pic but i just love it so. i must go and purchase more spoons and forks since we go through at least three per meal. the poor dogs don't even mind getting hit by the falling ones b/c that means they can lick up whatever food was on them. next week we will work on eating popsicles (outside) without me holding onto them. wish us luck!

it's just not fair

being the savvy mom/wife/daughter that i am i have realized that shopping for maternity clothes with a 1 year old is just not going to happen. you just can't cruise through the sale racks with someone throwing goldfish, shoes, juice cups and even the clothes that you are already holding at you or on the floor. so, i have taken to online shopping recently looking for the best sales and prices for much needed items. i recently purchased some maternity clothes and undergarments from the gap. love the gap- they can make you feel normal in your clothes when you are about 14 sizes bigger than you should be and some of their patterns are very cute. anyway, i thought it would be nice to have some maternity panties so that i wouldn't have to worry about my coin slot hanging out. has anyone seen maternity panties? i bought medium's (thinking they would correlate with the original sizes) and oh my was i wrong.  i think they could fit a horse- they are ginormous! you should see the package they come in- it's the size of a freezer bag! i made the mistake of holding them up in front of my husband. i'm not sure if he was scared that my ass would fit into them or disgusted that my ass could fit into them. none the less, they are in the wash in hot water so i might shrink them (as i do all of our clothes) and they may fit soon. why do they have to look so scary big- is it to scare us away from doing this again? well, i for one am going to stop looking in the mirror so much. it's just not fair- why do they have to look so scary big and then fit so gosh darn snug?

Monday, June 16, 2008

a quick look into the past 48

the trip was a success. the shower was perfect. i only wish we could have stayed longer to visit with more family and friends. i think my cousin had a wonderful time- her "friends" stayed almost 2 hours after the party to catch up with her. we had packed up food and drinks and they were still out in the living room chatting away. oh well, it was a good time had by all. no more showers for a while. 
i had a great time visiting with my family- presley had fun swimming and playing with her cousin emma. i love that they are only 3 months apart. she loves her grandparents- she plays so much when they are around. father's day was fun- brian will be playing golf next weekend to finish his celebration. then after playing for 4 hours in the sun he will come home and take a 2 hour nap. will i ever understand golf? 
the worst part of the trip  is always the plane ride. of course there is the mom with the two little boys sitting in front of you who you don't hear a peep from the whole time and then there is us and behind us is the 18 month old who is kicking our seats and screaming the whole time. poor family- luckily she was into elmo so we lent one of our dvd's and off to sleep land she went. how does that mom keep her two little boys from being little terrors??? i want her secret. well, my child has been asleep for 14 hours so i am going to check on her now to make sure she is still breathing and has recuperated from the past 48.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

stay tuned...

tomorrow we are leaving to go home for 48 hrs. just enough time to land, throw a baby shower, eat at osaka and fly back. will i ever call florida my home? probably not. i am armed and ready for anything: goldfish (check), wiggles (check), laurie berkner band (check), juice and juice backup (check and check), crayons and paper (check), books to read (check). what am i forgetting? idk- dvd player, clothes, shoes, dress for church on sunday, how about a rubber band to pull my hair back so i don't pull it all out on the plane. last time we flew with the kid (when have we not in the past year?) it was HORRIBLE! it was late and she was tired, we were tired, everyone was tired. all she wanted to do was walk up and down the aisle (in 1st class none the less) and wave to everyone. that is fun the first 2 times and then you start to get looks from other passengers like- shouldn't your kid be asleep or can't you go read her a book. what kind of mother are you. luckily being preggers this time i am totally going to rely on indigestion or some ache/pain and let my husband take over. if i use that excuse on the way there can i use it again on the way back?  have i mentioned all of the money i have already spent on this shower? how about the time i have tried to make the gift tags and prediction calendar- which no one will like but at least i got to use a lot of my baby girl scrapbook crafts. i hope this shower comes out as well as my cousin's wedding shower. will there be too little food? not enough games? too many games? can i please stop worrying about this?

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

tv addict

will richard win? will stephanie win? i hope lisa loses big time. tonight is the finale and i am sooo excited! why am i such a sucker for these shows? project runway (which the new season starts july 16th), top chef even blow out. which was awful by the way. did i mention i loved rock of love (1 and 2) and unfortunately we watch the hills. however, i will say that is mostly brian and not me. (i'm so lying) how much longer before grey's anatomy comes back on? will izzy finally leave? will meredith and mcdreamy stay together? who cares? sadly, i so do. i wonder if i will have as much time to watch t.v. after the baby comes? good thing for tivo!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

is it just me?

sometimes when you get out of the shower and you are toweling off and going for your robe- sometimes you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and get spooked b/c there is no way that person could be you. is it just being pregnant again or a self conscious woman - i  don't know. however, something about growing on a daily basis in places you really didn't know could grow is just, well, alarming. how am i ever going to get back to what it was before? will i recover as well this time? will i live in spanx hell forever? only time will tell. no wonder so many people are having plastic surgery these days. i am all for it. if it makes you feel better and you have done everything else to change your body - then why not? i hope all of my parts make it through this pregnancy. we shall see?

Monday, June 9, 2008


i love you sis! have a great day at work:) 
please come home this weekend- we are going to osaka without the kids- we can share sushi:) it won't be the same with out you there. :( 

Saturday, June 7, 2008

the ultrasound is done.

it's not the umbilical cord. it's not his leg. it's really a boy. 

Friday, June 6, 2008

granny on the run

having a sick baby is one thing. driving around town in a car while she is crying from being so tired and not feeling good is a whole other event. being the great mom i get her out of her car seat while we are driving slowly through a neighborhood- which she immediately falls asleep in my arms. poor thing. her fever was so high and she was so worn out, what was i to do? well, we head back home and of course i realize that i haven't really eaten anything all day. being pregnant- that can be a not so good situation. so- we head towards the closest gas station for a drink and a snack- suddenly i think i am not going to make it. i feel so sick- wanting to throw up and doing the preemptive hiccups right before it comes up. bad things are about to happen. grandma traci is driving and let me just say this before i complete the story. it literally takes my mother an hour to get the nerve up to think about making a u-turn. it is pain staking watching her even attempt to make this simple driving move. now, we are on the way to a gas station and pdog is still in my lap and i am still sick. a tom thumb is up ahead and as we are pulling up to turn in we see.....
a cop. i have never seen my mom speed up and pull the fastest u turn ever. she was so worried about getting pulled over for having a sick child not in her car seat that i don't think she thought about getting pulled over for reckless driving. it was so damn funny. the only sad part of the story is that we make it to the next tom thumb but my stomach was too far gone by then. good job granny on the get away job- good to know you have those skills after all.