thought i would catch up on some presley pictures since over the next few months they will probably all be of her new little brother. so, here goes. here we are at toys r us picking up the world's largest play house from mimi and while we were waiting for them to bring it up from the back pres found this dinosaur (which she said over and over and over and over and over). so, we had to go and take a peek at it. the dinosaur is actually pretty cool. you can sit on top of him and hold on to a bar while he makes dino noises and eats leaves. his eyes open and close and his head moves. pres was okay with him while i was right next to her but as soon as i backed up to take her picture she freaked out thinking he was going to eat her? it was kind of sweet in a twisted way b/c she "needed" me and i have never really seen her be scared of something like that before. so, no we did not purchase the 300$ dino and take him home with us.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
good times at the covey's
Monday, October 27, 2008
presley at the pumpkin patch
this year at the pumpkin patch was so much more fun because presley was old enough to walk and say pumpkin (over and over again) and just really is now able to realize what pumpkins are. here are a few snapshots of us picking out our pumpkins and having a great time together on a gorgeous sunday afternoon. pics of what the pumpkins actually turned out to look like are to come...
Saturday, October 25, 2008
stupid swing
Thursday, October 23, 2008
bath time= fun time!
most nights presley gets her bath right after dinner because she has made such a mess. we don't dare even mention the word "bath" unless we are ready right then to go upstairs and start one. the freak out if we tell her to wait for a minute is insane! she loves bathtime:) (and well who wouldn't with all the toys she has in there to play with)
when she was born and for probably about the first 3 months or so (maybe even longer) she would scream and scream when she was in the bathtub, getting out of the bathtub and about 20 minutes after that for good measure. now, she races to the tub, is trying to jump in with her clothes on and rarely wants to get out before the water turns cold. my favorite part is after when i let her run around nakey for a minute or two and she ALWAYS pees. brian gets so upset and runs after her trying to clean her up and put a diaper on her. kill joy:)
whenever he gives her a bath though she usually ends up with some crazy shampoo hair do and he makes me run and get the camera, hence the picture above.
hope you enjoy seeing the cutest kid ever as much as we do. did i mention she is the sweetest too?
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
cake lady
i absolutely love making cakes and cupcakes. i just can't decide if i like licking the bowl more than eating the finished product. what a problem to have:(
this cake was so easy to make and i was so excited to have it for dessert when brian got home from work. what you don't know is that after making this cake and leaving it in the middle of the counter, presley and i went to lowe's for something and when we got back found 1/2 of it licked off. you should have seen it!! i was so stunned i could barely get the bad words out of my mouth to express how upset i was. damn dogs! the thing to is that i had mail sitting around it and a few magazines and none of it was moved. not one piece! i still don't understand how they did that.
so, we did the only next logical thing (don't even think i threw that cake away). we cut it in half and ate the part that was unscathed by the dogs. it was still delicious and i enjoyed every bite. ever since taking the wilton's cake decorating class back in the beginning of the year i think my dessert making has vastly improved and i love sharing my masterpieces. even though this one didn't leave the house we still enjoyed all it's yummy goodness.
so much for brian's eternal diet. i have just a little bit longer to indulge myself in these sugary confections and i am going to enjoy every minute:).
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
don't be scared!!

i think brian is starting to get worried about me. he is always asking:
1. will i ever get back to my pre-maternity size?
2. will the stretch marks fade?
3. will this be the last baby?
i would feel bad for him but i don't know the answers to the questions either. i know i am tired of peeing on myself, constantly being hungry and having indigestion at the same time and i miss laying on my stomach to sleep.
dealing with fertility for so long before presley was born though makes me grateful to even have these problems to deal with. i remember sitting in cordova "dirty dova" praying for these problems and worries. i am so grateful to even be able to carry our child (especially after having a miscarriage) but does that mean i can't have concerns now about what will happen or voice my struggles when presley is having a bad day?
i hope things are able to go back to the way they were before (with my belly) and i know there is a lot of work ahead. no more fast food and chocolate donuts every day. i have even bought a bunch of fruit for the house b/c if presley sees me eating it then she wants it too. i will use presley as my focus when eating better. that should do the trick?????
Monday, October 13, 2008
only 35 more days until my due date. woo hooo!! i can't believe he is almost here and presley will no longer be our only child. she will never remember what it is like to have all of my attention and energy completely focused on her. she will have to share and watch over him like all good big sisters do.
i feel sorry for her but i know what it's like to have a sister and a brother and i wouldn't change that for anything.
so, will she be the big sis that is nurturing and loving and gives constant kisses and hugs to her little brother or will she be the hitting over the head and throwing toys at him in his swing kind of sister? i am betting the latter.
only a little over a month and i will have no more restful nights, consistent nap times each day and quiet times reading books with presley. however, i will be able to wear pants that have zippers, no more heartburn and i can tie my shoes without losing my breath.
i will try to download a picture of the largest belly ever soon and post it on here. try not to gasp when you see it. you've been warned.:)
Friday, October 10, 2008
why so fast?
her hair is so much longer now and goes back in pigtails so easily. i love having a little girl. (have i said that before?) i am getting really excited about her having a little brother soon. next month will come so soon. i love teaching her new words and she can figure out so much on her own now. parenting is so much easier at this stage it seems like~ or maybe it's just because i am getting a full night's rest and a nap every day. whatever it is~ i love it!
Monday, October 6, 2008
another fun filled day at busch gardens:)
presley loved it of course~ the kid has no fear.
doesn't my husband look like such a stud in this picture? i wish i could have gotten a picture of him freaking out over the bird flying right over his head. pres took a 3 hour nap after this adventure. i think we did too:) i don't know what we will do when her little brother gets here. i hope i am still able to take her out and have as much fun.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
don't wash cardboard!
so, being the great and powerful mom/wizard that i am i thought it was time to wash it. i could only look at the stains for sooo long. anyway, i took out all the cushions from the chair and unzipped the zippers and coverings and put the chair cover in the wash with my cheer colorguard so it wouldn't fade. apparently, i didn't see a piece of cardboard that was in the back of the chair cover and this is what happens when you wash cardboard.
ughh!!! imagine being 8 months pregnant and bending over for what seemed like an eternity getting all the pieces of cardboard out of the washing machine. it took me 3 more washes to get all of the pieces out finally. lesson learned. no more cardboard in the washing machine. i still have pieces stuck to some of brian's socks and our towels. let's just say it will be a long time before that chair gets washed again unless stains take over and well, at least the cardboard is gone already:)
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