Monday, October 6, 2008

another fun filled day at busch gardens:)

here is brian and presley waiting for the critter castaway show to begin. she is so tired but i wanted brian to see it as much as her because she loves it so. we got to sit in the perfect spot~ right where the birds fly over your head and scare the crap out of you.
presley loved it of course~ the kid has no fear. 
doesn't my husband look like such a stud in this picture? i wish i could have gotten a picture of him freaking out over the bird flying right over his head. pres took a 3 hour nap after this adventure. i think we did too:) i don't know what we will do when her little brother gets here. i hope i am still able to take her out and have as much fun. 

1 comment:

Mrs. McGoo said...

lucky ducks get to get out & about so often. That's wonderful. Sounds like fun.