thought i would catch up on some presley pictures since over the next few months they will probably all be of her new little brother. so, here goes. here we are at toys r us picking up the world's largest play house from mimi and while we were waiting for them to bring it up from the back pres found this dinosaur (which she said over and over and over and over and over). so, we had to go and take a peek at it. the dinosaur is actually pretty cool. you can sit on top of him and hold on to a bar while he makes dino noises and eats leaves. his eyes open and close and his head moves. pres was okay with him while i was right next to her but as soon as i backed up to take her picture she freaked out thinking he was going to eat her? it was kind of sweet in a twisted way b/c she "needed" me and i have never really seen her be scared of something like that before. so, no we did not purchase the 300$ dino and take him home with us.
a few days ago we went for a walk around our block and one of the kids in the front of the neighborhood was playing with an umbrella. OF COURSE, we had to throw a fit and come home b/c she couldn't play with the little girl's umbrella all day so i found her this one in the laundry room. *notice there are no dogs around b/c she already scared the shit out of them by chasing them with it as soon as i showed her how to open it.for the next hour we played "where is presley? peek a boo" while i made dinner. it really was a good time except for the running after the dogs thing. poor guys, i haven't told them i am bringing another one home next month. i wonder if allie will cry each time he does like she did with presley?
i guess i will have to find her an umbrella more her size for christmas so she may be able to control it a little better. hopefully she won't chase the dogs anymore with it but i guess i have to start worrying about her poking her brother in the eye. maybe a new umbrella isn't such a good idea after all. maybe next year.....
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