Wednesday, July 16, 2008

taking chances

i am sure this all stems from my crazy pregnancy brian BUT i still have to get it out of my system so that i won't worry or think about this stuff anymore.
i have been noticing a lot lately that more and more people are looking for love. if you're not looking for someone to go on a date with, marry or be with for a relationship then you are most likely already in one and still looking for it there. what everyone hates to talk about is that even after you find that "someone" there is no guarantee that they are yours forever. even on a daily basis i watch my married friends look for more love and attention from their spouses. people get so caught up in little things, work and errands that it seems as though we forget to pay attention to the one we were looking for for so long. my friends that are dating are constantly miserable: breaking up, worrying about their significant other or are such a ball of nerves about a new relationship i can't stand to be around them b/c that's all they ever want to talk about. little do they know that it doesn't get any easier after the ceremony. i am 30, pregnant and married to the best man out there. i truly believe that. i know my husband loves me and i know i need to show him more each day that i love him too. 
so here is where my mind goes: how do we know that who we are with is who we are suppose to be with? i watch our friends get together and break apart (married and single) like it's nothing. how do people treat each other's hearts with such disregard? from the 1st instant that you think this may not be the person for you- why don't you leave? why do you stay and get attached and get even more hurt in the long run? i don't get it. it seems as though everyone wants to fall in love- everyone. i hope once you find that someone you show them how much you love them as much as possible and never take them for granted because watching some of my single friends crave something as wonderful as i have- it makes me realize how lucky i am. 

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