Sunday, July 27, 2008

design this star

i am watching the next to last episode of design star and i never usually call in for a show but i would totally call in for jennifer right now. i thought she did a much better job than matt. brian would be so good at this show. even though he isn't a "professional" designer he would totally rock the challenges. he has decorated the majority of every house we have lived in and even if i don't like it when he picks it out or buys it- i love it like a month later and am really glad we got it. 
anyway, can't wait til next sunday when we find out the winner. then i can pay more attention to my other shows. i wonder if i will still have time to keep track of my "reality" shows once my little man gets here. if i get any bigger i probably pop open and he will just crawl out on his own. ok that sounded strange but it's kind of late and i have eaten a lot of sugar tonight. by the way, it's my first time to try pepcid and i am really excited about not waking up choking on acid in the middle of the night. woo hoo!

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