Wednesday, June 25, 2008

my sis is too cool for me.

I was recently in memphis for a few days not too long ago and  i got to spend a lot of time with my sister. she has probably got one of the biggest hearts of anyone i know - and she gets just about everything she wants with that big heart of hers (since  2 she has anyway). i am just glad she uses her powers for good and not evil. So, i stayed at my parents house and my sister and i bunked up for 2 nights. it was great- i thought we were going to stay up all night talking and laughing- my sis who is in college and goes out at least 4 nights a week partying was surely going to keep me up all night chattering away- just happen to fall asleep before 9:30 each of these nights. i was a little let down but at least we got to spend time together during the day. I love spending time with her but sort of got teased about something silly-  which i sort of took personal- brushing my teeth. i know, i know,  it sounds stupid but she came in with her motor toothbrush and her fancy glitter toothpaste- she is so cool. i felt like the old lady with her listerine tarter control and regular pink toothbrush that had no fancy embellishments or gadgets on it. did i mention she also told me she didn't like the way i brushed my teeth. don't we all do that the same? isn't that like all ladies pee sitting down and all boys stand up- i thought everyone did those things the same. anyway, when i got home i went out and got a motor toothbrush of my very own and whitening/glitter toothpaste- even though i am 9 years older i still don't want to be out done by my little sis. needless to say, the first time i used my toothbrush i threw up (i don't know why but my gag reflex couldn't handle it) and i recently found myself (yes, at 30) putting glitter toothpaste on a zit (yes, at 30 i still have zits).  does everyone know you can put toothpaste on a zit? i can't tell you how embarrassing it is to forget you have it toothpaste with glitter in it on your chin and a neighbor comes to your door to borrow something. Of course the neighbor asks "oh, are you and presley having some craft time? you have glitter all over your chin." So, tomorrow i will be at walgreen's buying myself a regular toothbrush and plain old whitening toothpaste. i am just going to have to find other ways to be as hip as her. 

1 comment:

Traci said...

i am just glad that since you have perfectly straight teeth... ahem ahem.. that you brush them