Monday, June 16, 2008

a quick look into the past 48

the trip was a success. the shower was perfect. i only wish we could have stayed longer to visit with more family and friends. i think my cousin had a wonderful time- her "friends" stayed almost 2 hours after the party to catch up with her. we had packed up food and drinks and they were still out in the living room chatting away. oh well, it was a good time had by all. no more showers for a while. 
i had a great time visiting with my family- presley had fun swimming and playing with her cousin emma. i love that they are only 3 months apart. she loves her grandparents- she plays so much when they are around. father's day was fun- brian will be playing golf next weekend to finish his celebration. then after playing for 4 hours in the sun he will come home and take a 2 hour nap. will i ever understand golf? 
the worst part of the trip  is always the plane ride. of course there is the mom with the two little boys sitting in front of you who you don't hear a peep from the whole time and then there is us and behind us is the 18 month old who is kicking our seats and screaming the whole time. poor family- luckily she was into elmo so we lent one of our dvd's and off to sleep land she went. how does that mom keep her two little boys from being little terrors??? i want her secret. well, my child has been asleep for 14 hours so i am going to check on her now to make sure she is still breathing and has recuperated from the past 48.

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