Monday, June 30, 2008

in case you were wondering

if you open the door to your child's room and you smell the very distinct poop smell- stop where you are. there is a chance that somehow poop has made it to the floor by the door and you could step in it. yes, even if the bed/crib is all the way on the other side of the room! look where you are walking and before you touch the bed/crib look for poop that could have made it's way on there.
this is what happened to brian today. lol!!! 
he went to get presley after her nap and she was crying- immediately he starts yelling for me. presley had somehow figured a way to take off her diaper (which she has never done before), poop and put it everywhere! yes, literally everywhere. on the crib, stuffed animals in her bed, books next to her bed, on the rails of the crib, on the rug and did i mention all over herself. THANK GOD brian found her and it wasn't me. she smelled like poop on her skin and even her hair, which i never found any in there. that is the type of situation where you pick your kid up and go directly straight to the bathtub. good times.

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

sick nicole, sick.