Friday, August 6, 2010

the happiest family on earth goes to florida!

The Covey's in Florida!!!!
We had the best time visiting my parents and showing Presley and Davis the beach! Brian and I love the beach and miss living in florida (sometimes). A week in san destin can really make a girl want to move back. Here are some fun pictures of us there:

This is Brian telling Presley about the waves. Trying to explain to a 3 year old that she can't swim all of the way out into the ocean was quite a task. We kept her next to us as much as possible but her favorite thing to do was "ride" the waves with her dad.

Presley and I had the most fun making sand castles (not shown b/c as soon as we got one up Davis tore it down). This is one of those moments where having kids is so worth it b/c it is so much fun to take them some where new and watch them figure out the sand, waves, castles and the ocean.

I knew that we had a pretty fearless kid already but i wasn't prepared for my little angel baby to want to jump on the trampoline of death. She loved it! If it wasn't 12$ each ride she would have done it over and over and over again. No Fear.

When i see this picture I think Top Gun, because this is the only kid who can pull of his daddy's cool shades and look this charming:) Thank you God for this little boy- I love you D!

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