pictures with santa!!!

even though brian was out of town i got the nerve to take both kids to our clubhouse for santa pictures. it was a little overwhelming i must say, not because the kids were screaming or misbehaving but b/c i felt completely unprepared when i arrived. i had no idea going to see santa was such a "serious" event. kids were there in their smock outfits, entire family matching of course. some families were all dressed in matching pajamas, some kids had their hair done just for this. i thought only kids were suppose to be in santa pics?? i kind of don't get it but maybe that's just me.
i was so happy just to have both kids there, fed and clean.
poor davis didn't do to well with santa but presley chatted him up for so long that i don't think he noticed to much. wish i had brought a pen and paper to write down everything she was asking for. ha ha ha
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