did i ever think presley would swing on the big kids swing, want to hang from the monkey bars or even touch a lobster and not be scared? of course! did i think it would happen before she turned 2? NO!
my baby girl is becoming such a big kid so fast i just want her to slow down so i can enjoy her at this age. she is so fearless with any thing she tries ~ she is definitely brian's little girl:)
Davis is starting new things as well: rice cereal and oatmeal are his new favorite dinners. yea! i was worried that we were starting to feed him too early (4 1/2 months) but when your kid is following food from your hand into your mouth well, it's just time.
not only is he eating he is also sitting up so much better now. i don't think he will roll over anytime soon but the dr says that's a weight thing not a milestone thing (as in he is too fat to get his fat michelin tire leg over the next:) ha ha ha
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