my little girl is getting so big. she is making sentences and saying things that i thought i was the only one who understood her but others know what she is saying now too. i love that she is not even 2 and she knows her shapes, numbers and some letters. i love when she sees an armadillo outside and screams "armadillo- mommy scared of armadillo". even though i'm not really scared unless she gets right next to one and they don't move and then well, i guess i do get a little scared.
anyway, my point is that i can't believe she is getting so big so fast. other moms tell me it just keeps going by faster and faster. i want to be able to always to remember her like this and how sweet she can be.
last night we were sitting at the kitchen table eating dinner and she asked for more skibits. brian and i just sort of looked at each other like what is that? turns out that she wanted more biscuits. i know that's probably only cute to me but it was so adorable it made us laugh so hard. alright, hope you enjoy the black and white photos as much as i do. more photos to come as soon as i can find my camera cord.
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