Wednesday, February 25, 2009
everyone loves to go shopping
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
some of my favorite people

i can't wait until he gets some more hair and i can spike it up like brian's. then they will really be two peas in a pod.
here is presley eating lunch the other day in her "terminator" sunglasses. don't ask why she is still in pajamas and it's lunch time. let's just say having 2 kids is a little bit more overwhelming than i had planned. anyway, she is too cool for her own good. i know she will look back on this photo and be like " mom, why were you taking pictures of me eating. that's so lame."
Sunday, February 15, 2009
her favorite purse
kissing daddy goodbye with purse in hand.
"bye, daddy see you later. love you. "
i love when she says this every time one of us leaves. even if we are just leaving the room for a moment. ha ha ha
ready to conquer the world with her pink purse in hand. even though i end up carrying it once we get half way around the block- along with her juice, davis, a blanket and my cell phone (just in case we run into trouble on the walk) i still don't mind.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
presley helping davis in his bouncy seat. she does a great job of helping me keep him some what entertained while in there. it only lasts for a few minutes but at least my arms get a little break from holding him.

i know he looks content in his bumbo but it's just a facade. he really hates it. the worst is when you try to get him out and his fat thighs get stuck. poor dman.
last but not least, brian and davis hanging out in the kitchen. deep down in know they love each other even though davis only lets me really hold him all day. thank goodness brian keeps trying each day to win him over and give me a break. keep trying babe, keep trying:)
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
be funky

my little girl is getting so big. she is making sentences and saying things that i thought i was the only one who understood her but others know what she is saying now too. i love that she is not even 2 and she knows her shapes, numbers and some letters. i love when she sees an armadillo outside and screams "armadillo- mommy scared of armadillo". even though i'm not really scared unless she gets right next to one and they don't move and then well, i guess i do get a little scared.
anyway, my point is that i can't believe she is getting so big so fast. other moms tell me it just keeps going by faster and faster. i want to be able to always to remember her like this and how sweet she can be.
last night we were sitting at the kitchen table eating dinner and she asked for more skibits. brian and i just sort of looked at each other like what is that? turns out that she wanted more biscuits. i know that's probably only cute to me but it was so adorable it made us laugh so hard. alright, hope you enjoy the black and white photos as much as i do. more photos to come as soon as i can find my camera cord.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
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