Monday, September 8, 2008

what it's like being married to brian covey

not that anyone is curious but if you are wondering what it's like to be married to the brian covey here ya go:

if there is a raffle contest at work/fair/neighborhood whatever~ brian will win it

he can call the insurance company and get a live person immediately

if there is a parking lot full of cars brian can drive up to the front and there will be someone pulling out or there will just happen to be 1 open space left and he will get it

true story: we went to the magic kingdom and were standing in line to buy tickets. 2 kids tapped us on the shoulder and said they had free tickets left over from some friends who couldn't make it that day. that's right~ we got in free!

if there is a bill or extra fee charged for some reason to our bank account~ he can always get it waived or taken off and usually an apology or refund. that's right~ he can actually get money back. no, i don't know how he does it.

no, it's not hard being married to someone who always has luck on their side. my sister is the same way. it is frustrating watching this happen all the time but i am happy for them in a sick, twisted i wish something jacked up would happen just once but not really b/c i am happy for them kind of way. 
i have learned that he is the one to call insurance companies, drive to an amusement park, grocery store or target, and he has to put his business card in the fish bowl to win a free lunch~ not me~ but him. good times.

1 comment:

Brian Covey said...

My name is Brian Covey and my wife can attest that being married to me is nothing like that, so milelage with your own personal Brian Covey may vary.

Just saying.