Tuesday, April 1, 2008

back in the tpa

we are now home from our trip to memphis. we had a great time. jessica's shower went over very well i think since my mom cooked all the food and i did nothing. it was a great time had by all. jessica didn't even seem to mind having the memphis tiger game on during the whole thing. it was a little unnerving having to wait for half time before we could open the gifts. but whatevers. 
the plane ride home could have been a lot worse. i did get to change my first dirty diaper on a plane this time. that was interesting. i won't go into details. the actual breakdown didn't really kick in until the last 15 minutes of the flight. once all of the lights came on presley was back to her old self flirting and staring at strangers. 
today was filled with laundry and cleaning up the house from the boys staying here. presley is now in bed (yea!) and i am actually painting my toes and surfing the net. i know i should be doing more laundry and the dishes but i am finally a grown up and grown ups get to do what they want. (?) sorta. is my life really as boring as it sounds? oh well, i am off to put the second coat on my piggie toes.

1 comment:

Traci said...

I just noticed in the about me part of your blog. You mispelled Florida. You're Welcome.