Tuesday, March 4, 2008

not so much taco tuesday

hola. now we are feeling much better around here. although last nite i was convinced my uvula was so big that if i layed down on my back it was going to block my trachea and suffocate me. so i slept on my stomach all night and prayed i wouldn't die in my sleep. seemed to work.
brian did stay home from work today to help me with presley so i went back to bed and slept until 1. my neighbor doctor came over to check on me and told me to wait it out- didn't need any antibiotics. amazing it would have cost 75$ and a 4 hour wait for him to tell me that in his office. 
now, onto more amazing things: presley introducing the amazing presley. about to walk any day or moment now. she loves to walk everywhere just holding onto one hand.
i am getting hunchback from following her everywhere. between that and my sore wrist from all this cake decorating- i am falling apart. so this is what it feels like to be 30. 
i am over it.
tonight is two for one combo's at chic fil a. yea! kerin and her family are meeting us there while brian goes to his men's group. hopefully he will be home by 9 so we can all watch the me movie that grandma got for presley. she loooovvvveeeessss it!!! i don't think she even plays with her toys while the movie is on. she just stares at it- it's worse than baby crack. 
tonight is suppose to be taco tuesday but noone here has their appetite back which is why pres is getting chic fil a and brian got a south beach pizza to eat. i guess that means my appetite isn't back so no one gets a good dinner. oh well. there's always tomorrow. 
we go home to memfrica in three weeks- i better start packing now.

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