Thursday, February 28, 2008

here comes trouble

i am going to try and remember exactly how it happened. 
today we went to gymboree and presley was walking around with me holding onto only one hand. which is a pretty big step for her- she wasn't doing that last week. also, she has been standing more on her own lately as well.
 so, tonight we were upstairs in the playroom and i was sitting on the couch and pres kept trying to come over to me to get the remote, phone (whatever she isn't allowed to have) and i kept putting her back on the other side of the room with her toys. the girl seriously has more toys than jon and kate plus 8. 
finally, she won and i picked her up and took her to the middle of the room - stood her next to my leg (where she stood very well) and i thought- i wonder if she would come to me this time if i put my arms out. HOLY SHIT! she did. she took her first 3 steps ever. i swooped her up in my arms and ran downstairs to wake up brian (who has been asleep since 8) michele came over to see her go- pres didn't do it quite as well but she was very close. proud mama i am i called everyone i knew- of course no one answered their phones. tomorrow she will be on youtube and be sent to everyone i know- watch out world. here comes trouble!

1 comment:

Traci said...

waiting for the you tube video. If you need help, just ask Grandma.. She loves to you tube