Friday, September 24, 2010

My kids.

Some more pictures from my new camera that i love. It's my new hobby. (after scrapbooking, sewing, baking and facebook:) I love this one of Davis running through the puddles by a friend's house. Capturing this moment was special because he was so happy i let him get soaked.

We live in one of the most beautiful neighborhoods ever! The trees are turning colors and it makes for the most beautiful background. I love the way Davis is looking at Presley thinking "i wonder if she is going to let me jump in the puddle too?"

It was almost sunset when i took this picture of Davis walking in his rain boots. I am still learning how to play with exposure and lighting. However, i love the way this looks.

I wonder what he is thinking?

My New Camera.

I absolutely love having pictures of my kids around!
However, i am not loving how expensive having a photographer come a few times a year costs. So, i took matters into my own hands. I bought a camera. A good one. Here are a few of my first tries at amateur photography.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

My Artist!

My little artist hard at work on his masterpiece!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

presley reading to dman:)

presley reading to her little brother, or an attempt to at least. i think this was from last spring, she was almost 3 and he is around 14 months...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Our trip to Memphis

Brian had an alumni soccer game in memphis a few weeks ago and we were fortunate enough to be able to bring the kids so they could watch him play. Aside from chasing davis to keep him off the field, sweating profusely and preventing dehydration it was a great time! Brian didn't get scored on which is always a plus too:)

While we were in Memphis we also headed to the zoo. Presley and Davis had the best time seeing all of the animals. It was hot there as well but everyone was a trooper and they had a great time. Here is Presley looking at the hippos- they look very different in real life vs her animal books.
Davis being a gangsta. That's just how he rolls:)
This is Presley running her first 1k! She was so cute and it benefited a great cause. She got to go with her dad and run it (well, using run loosely b/c every time she saw a police car, the race mascot or some one she knew she would stop to talk). We had a great time and listened to great music- love her being so happy at her first race:)!