thought everyone would enjoy some of the latest photos of the new house in franklin and get to see how fast my babies are growing. davis is now sitting up- yes, all by himself. presley is well, the genius that she always has been. however, lately she is learning her letters and numbers. did i mention she just turned 2!! i am such a proud mama:)

when we first moved back to tennessee it rained EVERY DAY! well, the first 6 days and then it stopped for two and rained for 3 more. can you tell i was counting?? so, of course we had to go out and buy the cutest rain boots ever. she loves them so much and i am so impressed she can put them on herself without my help. i NEVER thought that would happen.

this is our back yard where the couple that lived here before left a really cool playground for us. davis usually falls asleep in the swing- here is a rare moment with his eyes open. enjoy.

the other side of the playground is the sandbox with tire swing. whenever presley gets in it jackson is never far behind. i guess the sand helps cool him off and he can keep a close eye on pres too.