so, i know i haven't posted in a while but needless to say i have been a bit overwhelmed with the whole two kid thing. as much as i am loving having a little boy, having very sleep is starting to take its toll. we are in memphis now and i am getting help with the monsters, yea!
yea except for the fact that no one really wants anything to do with davis since he has been either sick from the plane ride up here (ears) or sick from his stomach (i ate something he didn't agree with~ damn breast feeding). although we made it to auburn to see the graduation we missed the fancy dinner that night. at least i can relive the graduation on you tube (thanks mimi).
davis is officially a fussy baby. not sure exactly how that got started but i didn't think he was before we got here. maybe he doesn't like the cold but if that's the case then i can't wait to get back to florida. presley is doing great. everyone loves her. rebekah is happy she talks now and pop and mimi are having a great time showing her new things.
tomorrow night is christmas eve and we will be spending it with family. i feel so blessed to have so many good friends that want to spend time with us while we are here. i hope i am able to make time for everyone. well, off to feed the boy again. hope everyone is having a merry christmas!!