brian and presley taking a bike ride on thanksgiving day.
not too many people out but pres saw our neighbor on her bike and had to go for a ride on hers. as soon as davis is old enough to sit up he will get to ride up front and i guess she will get a seat on the back? not exactly sure how this two kids on the bike thing works just quite yet.
cutest freakin smile ever!!!
here i am with davis. i know he is a little jaundice but am i really that pale? it's nice to be home with the baby and not be so full of fluid that i can barely open my eyes. here we are hanging out while brian took presley to the wiggles show.
of course i had to get a picture of brother and sisterly love. well, baby crying and presley giving kisses and telling him it's ok. i can't wait til they're older and they see these pictures of themselves loving on each other.
davis is chillin' on the couch~ he is such a cutie! i vaguely remember presley being this small and capturing these adorable moments. everyone always says time flies and to enjoy it now before they get too big. i have definitely tried to enjoy my time. it does go by some what fast. i think i am ready for the sleepless nights to go by a little faster though.